Walter Payton, former professional football player for the
Chicago Bears died on Monday from Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis or PSC which is a rare
liver disease. He was on the list for a liver transplant but died before
could receive one. This is the same disease my dad was diagnosed with 12
years ago and is currently awaiting a liver transplant. I am going to tell
you about the shortage of livers needed to be transplanted and what you can
do about it. In 1998~ 4,487 patients in the U.S. received a liver transplant and that same year 1,319 died waiting for one. As of Oct. 27 of this year, 14,092 patients in the U.S. are awaiting a liver transplant. This is not including heart, pancreas, or even kidney! 1/10 patients with PSC contract cancer in the ducts that drain bile away from the liver. If a transplant is not received before this cancer spreads, a transplant is no longer even an option, as was the case with Walter Payton. There just weren't enough livers available in the time he needed one. As mentioned earlier, my dad is one of those patients waiting for a transplant. In his case, he has not yet contracted cancer, but infections seem to be his complication with the disease. While cancer could still become an issue, if my dad does not receive a transplant soon, he could get an infection that could cause liver failure, and while it's possible to get by without a "real" kidney or even heart for a short period of time, no one can live without thier liver. In a statement before his death, Payton requested that friends, fans, and family consider becoming an organ donor. All you have to do is sign your organ donor card and tell your family about your wishes, Payton says. You may be able to save more than one life. |